RV Info

Can You LEGALLY Drive an RV with The Propane On?

By Jennifer Jennings

Web Story by Levi Henley

Whether It’s Legal or Not, Is It a Good Idea?

New RV owners and veterans alike can often struggle to agree on this question: is it legal to drive with your propane on?

Things in Your RV That Use Propane

–  Most generators operate on gas, but propane generators release fewer pollutants into the air.


Stove Top/Oven

Water heater



Is Propane Dangerous?

Propane is stored as a liquid in the tank, but is used as a gas.

Liquid propane is extreamly cold and can cause skin damage on contact.

Is Propane Dangerous?

When your propane system is working, the flame is very safe and easy to control.

However, a large amount of propane gas in an enclosed environment can be highly combustible.

Important Safety Note

Propane emits CO2 and CO gasses (which are deadly when they aren't ventilated). 

Propane should not be burned in an enclosed space without proper ventilation.

Is it Legal to Drive an RV with the Propane On?

Except for certain situations, there are no laws against driving with your RV’s propane tank on in everyday situations.

But should you?????

Dangers of Driving a Propane Tank While On

The most considerable risk that propane tanks present are unnoticed leaks. Your risk of propane leaks increases when you are driving your RV.

Dangers of Driving a Propane Tank While On

A tire blowout, or hitting a pothole can all cause a leak. Once you have a propane leak, the smallest sparks could cause an explosion.

Dangers of Driving a Propane Tank While On

While RVs bursting into flames on the freeway due to propane fires isn't an incredibly common sight...

Dangers of Driving a Propane Tank While On

It's up to the individual RVer to decide if the benefits outweigh the risk.

So Why Do RVers Keep The Propane Valve Open?

The main reason RVers leave their propane valve open is to keep their refrigerator cold.

So Why Do RVers Keep The Propane Valve Open?

RV fridges do have a number of safety features built-in. However, this reward does not outweigh the risk for many RVers.

Tips For Keeping Your RV Fridge Cold Without Using Propane

Keep the refrigerator closed: For short trips, avoid opening your refrigerator and the food should stay cold.

Tips For Keeping Your RV Fridge Cold Without Using Propane

Freeze bottles of water: Freeze bottles of water and load up your fridge with them. The ice will keep the temperature low while you drive.

Tips For Keeping Your RV Fridge Cold Without Using Propane

Swap your propane fridge for a fully electric model: An electric fridge poses fewer risks than running off propane.

Other Propane Laws To Consider

Close propane tank valves at gas stations.

- Many states have laws regarding traveling in tunnels and on bridges and ferries with propane tank valves in the open position.

Other Propane Laws To Consider

– Some states don’t allow open propane tanks at all. New Jersey requires all cylinders to be in the closed position when driving on open highways.

Other Propane Laws To Consider

– Other tunnels, like the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel, ban propane tanks altogether. So alternate routes are required.

Minimizing the Risk of A Propane Leak

Even though propane is made to smell so we detect it, it's heavier than air so a slow leak may not be detected until enough of it builds up on the floor.

Minimizing the Risk of A Propane Leak

A working propane alarm located at floor level will warn us of a possible propane leak before our noses do.

Minimizing the Risk of A Propane Leak

GasStop is a great product that will instantly shut off the supply of propane in the event of a major leak.

Minimizing the Risk of A Propane Leak

GasStop can also be used to test for minor leaks before use so it's an overall excellent propane safety device.

So, It's Not Illegal to Drive an RV with The Propane On

 RVers may never come to an agreement on this topic, but keeping your propane tank valve closed while driving your RV is the safest.

View the extened article on Camper Smarts for an in-depth look.